Sort collectibles by collection
Ekki Rinaldi
Ekki Rinaldi
Merged in a post:
Collectibles Search by collection name
Suvijak Nopparatcharoensuk
The problem that I and many other collectors have encountered is When he collects a lot of cards He wanted to show only the some artist collection of that collectibles but cant do that.
Even if the have owned button is shown on the page of the collection But some artists have multiple collections. I would like to show every picture with the name of that artist.
what i want is
1.Search by collection name
2.Search by artist name
from collectibles on my profile.
Suvijak Nopparatcharoensuk
encheng_guo: vote up :D
Sumet Chuedrum
This is useful! Lggggg
Mohamad Irfianto
in progress
Ekki Rinaldi
Ekki Rinaldi
under review
I have a hard time finding a speicifc NFT I've collected. Being able to filter by collection would be a huge help in this. There are many ways this could be solved in the UI. I would prefer a fuzzy finder search to bring up collection names.
One UI hack would be to allow for the URL to filter a specific collection from my collectables. For example:
Would show me the NFTs I own in the collection near-messy-jectoons-by-jeckunnear.
Exposing this end point would allow people to bookmark and use their own bookmark navigation schemes to quickly find their collections (I use QuicKey tab switcher).
Crystal Parker
If the display was like this, you could order them by highest value collection first and then allow users to click through collections or scroll down to see more nft's they own in that collection. Obviously with arrow keys enabled too.