Sometimes the owner has a need to urgently sell the NFT. It is possible to list your NFT for 20% lower, but this does not guarantee a quick sale. On the other hand, the NFT buyer sometimes wants to buy any NFT from a certain collection, but he does not want to buy at the market price, then he has to make a large number of offers, which is not a productive action for a number of reasons.
Creation of a pool of offers for each collection. Let's say I want to buy an NFT from the ASAC collection and any NFT from that collection will be fine. I make several offers for 40N each. And now the owner of any NFT from the ASAC collection can sell me his NFT. In fact, this is the creation of a kind of orderbook for collections. By which, among other things, it is possible to assess the liquidity of each collection and the real demand.